
Monday, March 24, 2003

Ever wonder why the majority of blogs lean toward the conservative side of the political spectrum? I think the answer is frighteningly simple: Blogging is generally a medium for arrogant blowhards who love to hear themselves speak. In America especially, conservatives -- even the intelligent ones -- are generally arrogant blowhards who love to hear themselves speak. And that's really all there is to it. (By the way, anybody who does a blog, left or right, even if only three people are reading it -- like this one, hi Liz, hi David -- is indulging their arrogant blowhard side.)

On that note, introducing the blog of Tom Tomorrow, author of the brilliant and hiliarious comic "This Modern World" (whose best recent toon was the "Crazy Moon Lover" sequence). Even though he gives a thumbs up to Michael Moore today, his is probably the most intelligent blog on the hard left.


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