
Thursday, March 20, 2003

Required reading: Fred Kaplan on Slate, writing on "How To Tell If We're Winning in Iraq." The title, of course, is silly, since there's a greater chance of Russian tanks rolling back into Prague than the U.S. not winning in Iraq. But this is a very informative article. Apparently we should keep our eyes on Ted Koppel, who's "embedded" with with the 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division. If we don't see him (or other reporters embedded with that division if, like me, you don't hear much from Ted Koppel on normal days) then there's a good chance that the mad dash to Baghdad has already begun.

Question, though. Kaplan writes, "Reporters embedded with troops have said they will not be censored, though they will be subjected to blackouts. If you don't see Koppel for a couple days after the bombing begins, the ground war will likely have already begun." But today on CNN we heard a reporter say something along the lines of "There are some things I'm not allowed to tell you." Hm?


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