
Thursday, May 29, 2003

Pill v. Will. Here's a funny email Will Tizard, former food critic for Prague's English-language alt weekly Prague Pill, wrote to his erstwhile employer. I've decided not to include the preceding emails from the Pill boss, because that might be too rude. Basically, Pill told Will they'd decided to "put a hold on further articles" from Will because they were trying out a newbie who "came to us over the weekend with an interesting concept" for the "Dish" column (which I used to write, until I recommended Will take it over some weeks ago). Oh yeah, and there'd been some disagreement about a mention of George Gershwin.

I see. So when guys walk in over the weekend with an interesting idea you give them the spot of a veteran contributor who has agreed to work for you for a fraction of his usual rate. Did it occur to you once while doing this that you might have one sit-down to propose a revamping of the Dish format with me before deciding I am beyond the reach of any editorial help? Or dividing food and drink coverage to do something for diversity? But why bother? You didn't care for one Gerwshin lede (which I'm in agreement with, btw - you did improve the Dish lede), I'm over 30, and clearly well over the brink of senility.

Very nice and thanks for the lesson in PoMo journalism. If this is how it works, I guess I'll be content to remain totally sold out and establishment. At least Conde Nast Traveler and the London Evening Standard work with
writers a bit.

You'll be seeing my invoice for two articles at 1Kc a word plus expenses.

I have no dog in this fight, but I thought the letter was funny.


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